SushiSwap has unveiled a new roadmap aimed at enhancing liquidity across over 35 chains, allowing users to 'Swap Anything' from NFTs to coins. This initiative follows governance changes that empower the community to influence treasury allocations. The introduction of a route processor aims to provide traders with better rates, having generated $597.76 million in trading volume since its launch in July. New features include Blade, an automated market maker designed to minimize impermanent loss, and Kubo, which focuses on delta-neutral strategies for perpetual futures markets. Despite a decline in generated fees from $3.8 million in September 2022 to nearly $462,000 in September 2023, these developments are expected to bolster SushiSwap's competitive position. Additionally, the latest Crypto Biz discusses Tesla's Bitcoin holdings, the launch of Avalanche's Visa card supporting USDC, Core Scientific's deal with CoreWeave targeting $8.7 billion in revenue, and Chainlink's pilot to integrate AI and oracles for corporate data.

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