Crypto scammers have shifted tactics, moving to malware scams on Telegram, which have increased 2,000% since November, surpassing traditional phishing scams. According to security firm Scam Sniffer, the new scams involve intricate malware distributed via fake verification bots in fraudulent trading, airdrop, and alpha groups. Once users install this malware, attackers gain access to passwords, wallet files, clipboard data, and browser information. Unlike previous scams that primarily relied on phishing links, these malware approaches leverage social engineering to deceive users more effectively. Scam Sniffer has noted that this change in strategy highlights the voice of user awareness regarding signature scams. The firm has raised concerns about the difficulties in tracking losses from malware attacks, indicating that these tactics are effective and calculating. Furthermore, reports reveal that the overall crypto theft in 2024 has significantly increased, although December's losses were among the lowest for the year. The evolving nature of these scams emphasizes the critical need for enhanced security measures in the crypto space.

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