David Lynch, the iconic filmmaker, passed away this week at the age of 78. Known for his surreal and original work, Lynch embraced new technologies including blockchain. In 2021, he collaborated with indie rock band Interpol to create NFTs, a series of eight audiovisual collectibles on the Ethereum blockchain. This partnership revisited Lynch's previous work for Interpol, which included visuals for their 2011 Coachella performance. The NFT collection featured clips of 'Red Button Man' set against rusty television monitors and quickly gained traction among collectors, with one NFT selling for over $82,000 shortly after its release. Although Lynch did not become a strong advocate for crypto art and never worked with blockchain technology again, his willingness to explore new mediums made this collaboration significant. The band’s frontman, Paul Banks, expressed their admiration for Lynch, noting the honor of aligning with him artistically and believing in the value of these digital artifacts.

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