Toei Animation, the Japanese studio behind iconic series like Dragon Ball and One Piece, is collaborating with South Korean blockchain firm Wemade to create a blockchain game titled DenDenGarden. This project utilizes Toei's DenDekaDen intellectual property, which features a narrative about seven Kyoto spirits aiming for godhood. While Japan's blockchain gaming market has seen cautious participation from developers, it contrasts with South Korea's more enthusiastic adoption following a 2021 play-to-earn model decline. Additionally, Singapore Gulf Bank is exploring a $50 million equity sale for stablecoin payment firm acquisitions by 2025. Meanwhile, Hong Kong proposes tax exemptions on crypto gains to attract investments, following a regional rise in interest in digital assets. In a significant move, Tron founder Justin Sun invested $30 million in Donald Trump's crypto project, World Liberty Financial, further intertwining crypto ventures with traditional influence amidst an increase in scams triggered by Bitcoin's price surge across Asia.

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