MemeFi, a popular combat game on Telegram, has announced its transition to the Sui network from Ethereum layer-2 network Linea, alongside the details of its upcoming token launch. The developers revealed that the token will now launch on November 12, 2024, and they have partnered with Mysten Labs, creators of Sui, to enhance marketing efforts and integrate better into the Telegram ecosystem. The game plans to conduct an airdrop campaign starting with a snapshot of player activity on November 6, with final allocations sharing on November 8. Players can pre-check their token allocations using OKX Wallet. This pivot signals a shift in approach, as many similar games have launched tokens on The Open Network (TON), showcasing the diverse strategies emerging in the blockchain gaming space. With this new direction, the developers hope to create a smoother and more efficient user experience on Sui while attracting new players eager to engage with the game's ecosystem.

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