Only 0.4% of traders on the platform have made a profit of $10,000 or more in meme coin trading, according to data from a Dune analyst. Specifically, 55,012 wallets have reached this profit threshold, while only 294 individuals have become millionaires, representing about 0.002% of wallets. There has been a slowdown in the graduation rate from the platform, dropping from 1.4% in November to 1.16% in December. The data excludes purchases made after tokens graduate but includes sales from tokens bought before graduation. Despite the low number of millionaires, the rate of wallets profiting $1 million, $10,000, or $100,000 is reportedly increasing. has contributed significantly to the creation of traders aiming for millionaire status, though many market participants resorted to controversial tactics to boost token prices. Following regulatory scrutiny, several measures were implemented to address these practices.

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