Telegram is becoming a one-stop app like China’s WeChat — Bitget CEO
Telegram, with around 950 million monthly active users and over $4 billion raised since its inception, is poised to transform into an all-in-one platform, akin to China's WeChat. Gracy Chen, CEO of Bitget, emphasized that Telegram's integration with The Open Network and its crypto features set it apart from competitors, potentially enabling massive growth. Notably, Telegram is experiencing significant adoption in emerging markets, especially in Nigeria and Egypt, where around 54% and 53% of adults aged 16-64 are users, respectively. These high adoption rates are partially attributed to engaging elements like tap-to-earn mini-games, although Chen warned that this trend may be short-lived. Despite early successes, similar to WeChat’s initial strategy, the key will be maintaining user engagement in functionalities beyond gaming, particularly in finance and communication. Observations from the decline in popularity of games like Hamster Kombat suggest that Telegram must innovate continually to sustain its momentum in the evolving digital landscape.
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