Telegram has introduced a feature allowing users to convert digital gifts into NFTs on The Open Network (TON) using its in-app currency, Telegram Stars. This update, part of the first rollout of 2025, enables users to upgrade over 20 existing gifts, such as Jelly Bunny and Santa Hat, to digital collectibles for a small fee covering blockchain costs. Once converted, these NFTs display custom designs created by Telegram artists, which include distinctive traits like background colors and icons. Users can transfer their NFTs or auction them on secondary marketplaces like Getgems. This move reinforces Telegram's commitment to integrating cryptocurrency and NFTs into its platform, following a series of enhancements that have seen increased participation in Web3. Telegram's favored blockchain, TON, has shown significant growth, becoming a major cryptocurrency player despite experiencing price fluctuations. Currently, TON holds a position among the top 15 cryptocurrencies by market cap.

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