Zoo is the latest game on Telegram, allowing players to create their own animal amusement park while potentially earning tokens in an upcoming airdrop. Players construct their zoo by purchasing animal enclosures, and as they keep their animals fed, they earn in-game Zoo tokens, which are promised to correspond 1:1 with on-chain tokens at the time of the airdrop. The game is designed to be largely passive compared to more active games, targeting a wide user base with over 14 million accounts already interacting with it. The mining phase for earning Zoo tokens is set to end on January 31, 2025, which means players need to engage quickly to maximize their earnings before the airdrop. Furthermore, while details about the airdrop and ecosystem are still vague, it seems crypto tokens will likely launch on TON. Players can utilize in-game currency called Animal Feed to keep their animals happy, ensuring a steady flow of earned tokens.

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