Telegram's recent decision to limit its Mini App ecosystem to exclusively utilize The Open Network (TON) has ignited significant backlash in the community. Following the announcement of the TON Foundation as its exclusive blockchain partner, the community has raised concerns about TON's limited liquidity and technological immaturity, which could stifle blockchain development. Observers note that the restricted liquidity complicates token launches for developers and hinders excitement from centralized exchanges. Additionally, concerns have been expressed regarding the performance and stability of the TON network, which is still maturing. Critics argue that this strategy contradicts Web3's foundational principles by promoting a centralized model and locking users into a single ecosystem. They suggest a TON-first approach, rather than a TON-only stance, could better facilitate app development by allowing third-party liquidity. The move has raised eyebrows about Telegram's commitment to decentralization, with proponents fearing it may impede the platform's growth within the crypto space.

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