The Elon Musk-themed Telegram game X Empire recently launched its much-anticipated X token at a price significantly lower than expected. The token was expected to debut at a higher pre-market trading price but opened around $0.000096, rapidly fluctuating and dipping as low as $0.00005 before reaching a peak of $0.00013. As of the latest update, the price had dropped to about $0.00087. Pre-market traders had speculated on a higher launching price, which proved disappointing once the actual price was revealed. Players expressed their dissatisfaction on social media, sharing that their airdrop earnings were often less than anticipated, with some reports indicating amounts as low as $10. This launch follows a trend of underwhelming airdrops for notable Telegram games, including previous titles that failed to meet valuations set during hype periods. At present, X Empire holds a market cap of nearly $40 million, far less than its peers.

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