Hamster Kombat has become a global sensation, attracting 239 million users within just 81 days of its launch. Telegram founder Pavel Durov highlighted this milestone in a recent post, suggesting it could significantly boost Web3 adoption. Since its March 2024 debut, the game has seen rapid growth, reaching 100 million monthly users in just 73 days and continuing to gain 4-5 million new users daily.

The game's upcoming token airdrop is eagerly anticipated, with the onchain infrastructure and in-game wallet implementation completed in June. While the exact date of the token launch remains unconfirmed, players can already link their TON wallets in preparation. Durov emphasized the potential impact of the token launch, predicting it could introduce blockchain benefits to hundreds of millions of users.

Hamster Kombat has also added a final challenging level for avatars, requiring players to accumulate 18 billion in-game coins. The game's viral success and engaging mechanics have led to numerous records, including a rapidly growing YouTube channel that has surpassed Mr. Beast’s subscriber count. The channel is on track to set a Guinness World Record for the fastest to reach over 10 million subscribers in under a week.

The game, described as a “crypto exchange CEO simulator,” allows players to earn coins by tapping their hamster avatar and upgrading their exchange for higher profits. Players can also earn by referring friends, completing in-game tasks, and solving daily ciphers linked to YouTube videos. This innovative approach has driven significant social media growth, with Hamster Kombat’s YouTube channel gaining 32 million subscribers, its X profile reaching 11.3 million followers, and its Telegram channel amassing 49.4 million subscribers.

Hamster Kombat’s success raises intriguing possibilities for Web3 games as a universal basic income (UBI) mechanism. Players trade their time for in-game entertainment while gaining exposure to cryptocurrency and Web3 education. The game's unique combination of gaming and blockchain technology promises to revolutionize digital asset engagement, making Hamster Kombat a key player in the future of Web3.

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