Mac Users at Risk as New ‘Cthulhu’ Malware Targets Crypto Wallets

Apple Mac users are facing a new cybersecurity threat with the emergence of “Cthulhu Stealer,” a dangerous malware designed to steal personal information and target cryptocurrency wallets.

For years, Mac users have believed their systems were immune to malware. However, cybersecurity firm Cado Security recently debunked this myth, warning that macOS malware has been on the rise. The “Cthulhu Stealer” is the latest example, posing as legitimate software like CleanMyMac and Adobe GenP.

Once the malware is activated, it uses macOS tools to prompt users for their passwords, including those for popular crypto wallets like MetaMask, Coinbase, and Binance. The stolen data is then stored in text files, and the system’s details, such as IP address and operating system version, are also captured.

According to Cado researcher Tara Gould, the primary goal of “Cthulhu Stealer” is to steal credentials and cryptocurrency wallets. It is strikingly similar to the “Atomic Stealer” malware, leading experts to believe that “Cthulhu Stealer” is a modified version of it. The malware was reportedly being rented out for $500 per month via Telegram, though recent disputes among scammers suggest that the operation may have collapsed.

Adding to the concern, “Cthulhu Stealer” is not the only malware targeting Mac users. On August 23, reports surfaced that the AMOS malware could now clone Ledger Live software, further increasing the threat to crypto users.

In response, Apple has acknowledged the growing malware threat and announced updates to its macOS to enhance security measures. However, as the malware landscape evolves, Mac users must remain vigilant to protect their digital assets.