In an exciting development for the digital world, Telegram, the globally popular messaging app, is set to launch an innovative advertising platform constructed on The Open Network (TON) blockchain. This announcement, made by Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder and CEO, promises to revolutionize the way content creators monetize their channels.
Starting from March, Telegram channel owners across over 100 nations will have the opportunity to earn financial rewards through the platform, receiving a generous 50% share of the advertising revenue generated. This initiative is designed to support the creators for their contributions to the platform.
The payment for advertisements will be made exclusively in Toncoin, the native cryptocurrency of the TON blockchain, facilitating a new economy where creators can reinvest in their channels or cash out. This model is not only innovative but promotes a sustainable ecosystem for content growth and engagement.
The significance of this development is underscored by the performance of Toncoin, which saw a notable increase in value, highlighting the growing interest and confidence in TON’s blockchain technology. TON’s marketplace presence is robust, with a market capitalization that places it among the top cryptocurrencies globally.
Telegram’s massive user base, with millions of active users daily, coupled with its position as one of the top messaging apps, provides a fertile ground for the new ad platform. This move is expected to enhance the monetization of the platform’s extensive content viewership, which remains largely untapped by existing ad mechanisms.
The partnership with Animoca Brands to build blockchain-based games directly on Telegram further amplifies the potential of TON blockchain, signaling a broader application of the technology beyond simple transactions.
This groundbreaking initiative by Telegram is poised to transform the digital advertising landscape, offering an unprecedented opportunity for content creators to benefit from their work through a transparent, blockchain-enabled platform. As the digital and blockchain worlds converge, Telegram’s new ad platform stands out as a beacon of innovation and empowerment for creators worldwide.